Adding & Compressing New KillingFloor Maps

Quick help for downloading, installing compressing and using custom maps in KillingFloor

1) Download a custom map and place it in your maps folder.

2) Change to your system folder and type the following:

./ucc-bin compress ../maps/mapname.rom -nohomedir

This will compress the map into into a much smaller size and display .uz2 at the end of the map name.

This will reduce download time and keep bandwidth to a fraction of what it would have been without compression.

3) Go to your map folder and you’ll see the compressed map as <mapname.rom.uz2>.

4) Remove this compressed map from your map folder and upload it to your third party host / webserver

5) Go to your KillingFloor.ini and locate [IpDrv.HTTPDownload]
In the RedirectToURL= place the location of the compressed map:

Note the forward slash at the end of the redirect link.

By default you will see UseCompression=True is already set.

6) Find the [DefaultKF MaplistRecord] in your KillingFloor.ini and add the name of the map to the bottom.

You can also perform this task in the Web Admin Interface.

7) Restart your server and perform a Map Vote for the new map.

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