Using nlite you are easily able to integrate drivers & software while also further customising your intallation media.
Some useful tips for the unattended CD:
Under the i386 folder you can edit the answers file WINNT.SIF this is where you make all the customisations for an unattended / silent install
To add software or run commands during the install process you will need to create two folders on the root of the CD
Anything in the $oem/$1/Install directory will get run the first time XP logs on as a particular user.
Anything in the $oem/$$/System32 directory will get copied the actual WindowsXP System32 directory
An Example WINNT.SIF
[Data] Autopartition=0 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=DefaultHide UnattendSwitch="Yes" OemPreinstall="Yes" OemSkipEula="Yes" WaitForReboot="No" TargetPath=WINXP NoWaitAfterTextMode=1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1 DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword="No" AutoLogon="Yes" TimeZone=085 OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 [GuiRunOnce] "%systemdrive%/install/XP.BAT" [UserData] ProductKey="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" ComputerName=XP-PC FullName="XP" OrgName="XP" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale="0809" UserLocale="0809" UserLocale_DefaultUser="0809" InputLocale="0809:00000809" InputLocale_DefaultUser="0809:00000809" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="Yes" [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="WORKGROUP"
Here’s an example of the XP.BAT file referenced in the WINNT.SIF file above, it runs the first time a user logs into Windows.
All it does it create a user called XPUser, disables Administrator from being the account that automatically logs on and disables the Security Centre service as it is not really relevant anymore!
net user /add XPUser net localgroup administrators XPUser /Add reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /f /v DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d XPUser reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /f /v AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /d 0 reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /f /v AltDefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /d XPUser sc config wscsvc start= disabled