Run a second Ices / Icecast playlist on the same PC / Station

How to start and run multiple instances of ices and icecast using a single station but multiple playlists

Copy the original icecast.xml and rename it icecast2.xml
(change the listen port and other config changes you want and then make the port changes on your router / firewall as well)

Create a second playlist and save it as /etc/ices2/playlist2.xml

You can start the original icecast as follows:
/usr/bin/icecast2 -c /etc/icecast.xml

And to start the second instance:
/usr/bin/icecast2 -c /etc/icecast2.xml

Now lets get ices to load your two playlists:
To load the first playlist
ices /etc/ices2/playlist.xml
And, now lets load the second playlist
ices /etc/ices2/playlist2.xml

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