All windows 7 media whether it be Ultimate, Professional, Home etc actually contains the software to install any version of windows 7 including basic and starter.
All you need to do is make an ISO file using imgburn or similar software of any genuine Windows 7 DVD.
Then run the following utility on the iso file that you create and burn it back to DVD. This time when you install off the new DVD you will be able to choose from any of the Windows 7 versions that you need / have a license key for.
Download: eicfg_removal_utility
running this file is the same as editing the iso image and removing the file ei.cfg from the disks /sources directory. This is where the DVD is told what version of Windows 7 it is and subsequently what it can install.
One important note is that if you use a 32bit Windows 7 DVD then the other versions you make available will also be 32bit. You must use an original 64bit DVD if you need 64bit versions.