SliTaz – Create your own Live CD / USB

The first thing you need to do is download a working SliTaz ISO and burn it to CD or make a bootable USB drive from it.

I use YUMI to make the bootable USB drive.

Next is to boot off your SliTaz CD / USB. Once booted I would suggest that you use the built in SliTaz manager and install it to the PC’s or laptops hard drive.

Now that SliTaz is installed to the hard drive you can take your time and get the install exactly how you like it. Install packages, change themes, create additional users etc.

When you are happy with your installation, reboot and double check it!

Okay, now you need to burn the iso to CD if you haven’t done so already? You can do this with USB still but I encountered a few extra issues doing it that way.

So, put the Burnt SliTaz ISO CD in your drive and under Slitaz’s file manager note its name, it will probably be something like /media/slitaz 4.0
We need to mount this to /media/cdrom to enable us to proceed with the creation of our own image.

Open the terminal and type:

mount -o /media/your cd name/ /media/cdrom

If your CD name contains a SPACE ” ” then use a \ inplace of the space to mount it correctly

eg. /media/slitaz 4.0 would be


Once you’ve mounted the Cd type the following in the terminal

tazlito writeiso lzma isoname

“isoname” is the name of your iso file, you don’t need to add .iso as tazlito creates this extension automatically.

The command will run perfectly without any isoname and will default to being called slitaz.iso

The first thing you will be asked is whether or not you want to delete sound and video configs, if you plan to use this install on different hardware type: yes, if not, type: no

Sit back and have a drink, depending on your hardware this might take a while……

Once it is completed you will have a newly created slitaz.iso file in the /home/slitaz/distro/ directory

Now to create our USB

Under preferences from the bottom menu click Create LIVE USB

Choose /home/slitaz/distro/slitaz.iso as the source and make sure that your USB drive is available…

Job done.

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