Killing Floor – Dedicated Server

How to install, configure and run a killing floor dedicated server on linux

First, go to and make a new Steam Account, then download steam

mkdir -p /home/unreal/steamcmd
cd /home/unreal/steamcmd
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

On certain Linux distributions you may see an error message that something cannot be found etc, if so try this method of launch instead

STEAMEXE=steamcmd ./

if it still fails try the following:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/steamcmd/linux32/ STEAMEXE=steamcmd ./

For 64-bit Systems you may get the following errors:

steamcmd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To fix this install lib32stdc++6

  • For Debian based systems
apt-get install lib32stdc++6
  • For Red Hat based systems
yum install libstdc++ libstdc++-4.4.6-4.el6.i686

Now to install killingfloor into our preferred directory

login username password force_install_dir /home/killingfloor app_update 215360 validate

If you encountered “ERROR! Failed to request AppInfo update, not online or not logged into Steam”
you must remove Steam folder from root directory

rm -rf ~/Steam

To update the installation in the future, run the following from terminal

SteamCmd +login user password +force_install_dir /home/killingfloor +ap_update 215360 validate

Starting The Server

ucc server KF-bioticslab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6

Enable the following server ports in your router and firewall!
7707 UDP/IP (Game Port)
7708 UDP/IP (Query Port)
7717 UDP/IP (GameSpy Query Port)
28852 TCP/IP and UDP (Allows your Server to Connect to the Master Server Browser)
8075 TCP/IP (Port set via ListenPort that your WebAdmin will run on)
20560 UDP/IP (Steam Port)

64 Bit systems will also need to install the following to get the server to run as it still uses 32 bit libraries

yum install glibc.i686
yum install
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