Edit q3config.cfg which is located in your games \baseq3 folder
You will need to add / change the following lines
– Find the “seta r_mode” line and set the value to “-1” (This enables custom resolutions)
– Find the “seta r_customwidth” line and set the value.
If you want to play in 1280 × 800 then set it to “1280”
If you want to play in 1920 x 1200 then set it to “1920”
Also you can use any custom value.
– Find the “seta r_customheight” line and set the value.
If you want to play in 1280 × 800 then set it to “800”
If you want to play in 1920 x 1200 then set it to “1200”
Also you can use any custom value.
If you set a widescreen resolution then you will need to change the FOV otherwise the screen will look stretched.
Find the “‘seta cg_fov” line and set the value to “115”
You may not find this line! In that case simply add it somewhere in the config.
Save, exit and reload Quake III