Create Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server – Linux

This guide was created on Debian 9

Firstly create a new user and group to run the killing floor server

sudo useradd -m kfserver -p PASSWORD

Now, let’s create the group

sudo groupadd kfserver

And, let’s add our new kfserver user to the new kfserver group

sudo usermod -a -G kfserver kfserver

Now we can log in as the user and do all of the work in their home directory.

mkdir kf2
mkdir steamcmd
cd steamcmd
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
./ +logon anonymous +force_install_dir /home/kfgamma/killingfloor2/ +app_update 232130 validate +quit
cd ../kf2
./Binaries/Win64/KFGameSteamServer.bin.x86_64 kf-bioticslab

Now create a file to start the server and add the command above to it

chmod +x
vi KFGame/Config/LinuxServer-KFGame.ini

Finally launch your server


Don’t forget to allow the following ports through the linux firewall and your routers firewall
Game Port 7777 UDP
Query Port 27015 UDP
Web Admin 8080 TCP
Steam Port 20560 UDP
NTP Port 123 UDP

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